Monday, 1 August 2011

The fast show

Welcome to Ramadan

Day 1 of Ramadan. Skies are clear, mood is upbeat, restaurants are empty and mouths are getting drier. I stupidly didn't leave enough time to eat breakfast, and don't go home until 1:30pm, so I'm currently on my own reluctant fast. Feel like a Muslim, and I haven't shaved in a week so I'm starting to look like one too.

I've been teaching a new class today. They are special, in one sense of the word. They each chose a celebrity to write about, here are some highlights:
"Wayne Rooney is fat because he play football everyday"
"Akon is 125cm tall"
"Shakira, he is beautiful and have hair crazy"
They then played twenty questions. I split the class in half and organised two teams. One team called themselves "Team Interesting", the other team called themselves "Morning Breeze". Extremely random.

Since we're on the topic of inspirational education, I'll leave you with an Arabic proverb.
العلم في الصغر كالنقش في الحجر
"What is learned in youth is carved in stone"
I am honoured to be sculpting the great minds of Sakaka, Saudi Arabia!

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